Product Category
- Lynx Precision Products offers several capabilities that can fulfill your manufacturing needs
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- Do you have shipping or warehousing needs? Lynx can handle everything from start to finish
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Contact Us
North American Headquarters
6636 Rosemont Lane,
Mason, OH 45040, USA
Tel: 1-866-305-9012
Tel: (1)-513-234-7812
Fax: (1)-513-672-0849
Email: jc@lynxpp.com
Sales Engineering Office
301 Dunkineely Way
Moore, SC 29369 USA
Tel: (1)-864-363-2387
Email: gwatchorn@lynxpp.com
Global Manufacturing Headquarters
No. 1153, Qianqiao Rd.
Fengxian, Shanghai 201407 China
Tel: (86)-21-5759-6328
Fax: (86)-21-5759-6493
Email: qc@fuyangcn.com